casa milá [la pedrera] 10.6.08 - 282
photo by name_443

Things to do

The number one tourist attraction is the Sagrada Familia, with more than two million visitors each year. This is an enormous temple designed by the master architect Antonio Gaudi. This building has been under construction since 1882 and they've still got another 30 to 80 years (depending on funding and resources) to go before it will be finished.

La Pedrera - this is another one of Gaudi's works. This building used to be called Casa Mila but nowadays it's more commonly known as La Pedrera which means "quarry" . Gaudi was instrumental in completing this building and his characteristic wavy brick work and colourful tiles are also evident on this masterpiece.

Barcelona FC Museum - a must see for the footie fans. It has wall to wall trophies, pictures and statues of the greats.

Picasso Museum - Picasso's paintings are arranged in chronological order from his early days to his final works. In this way you can observe the development of Picasso thinking over time and shows how he developed the distinctive designs that he is famous for today. Very popular art gallery.

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Am auzit numai lucruri bune despre ce poti vizita aici ... si as vrea sa ajung si in acest oras

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