Budva, Montenegro
photo by name_16837

1 Review


on Aug 18,2010

I liked

Budva got its own water supply system finally! That is positive.

I disliked

Garden Cafe. The worst service ever! I ordered pizza and it arrived after a full hour! By then, I was so pissed off for waiting that long, and even though hungry, I turned the pizza back. The waiter was very ignorant and kept saying: "There is nothing I can do" and aggressively took the plate off the table because he was upset I was complaining. Then he called the manager. The manager played even more naive and kept saying: "Sorry, but it's the kitchen...". They seemed not to be bothered with this at all!!! The music is nice though, live, good pop & rock bands. Will NEVER go there again and I do not recommend it to hungry people :) Dragana Of course

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