Buenos Aires Cityline at Night
photo by name_610

Quick facts

Currency: Peso (ARS) and centavos (100 to a peso). 1 ARS = 0.175822 EUR Time zone: GMT -3 Country dialing code: +54 Major Language: Spanish

Did you know?

Avenida 9 de Julio is the widest street in the world at an imposing sixteen lanes?

In Buenos Aires, Tango music and its trademark dance moves were invented in the 1920s. Places that played tango were brothels and poorer suburbs.


But Buenos Aires doesn't limit itself to these clichés. It is much more than that. It's architecture combines styles from colonial to belle epoque to modernist. The porteños (people from the port), as the locals are called, treasure their European heritage. The lifestyle and the architecture are similar to the European one, more than in any other country of South America. Three million people live in the City of Buenos Aires, and together with the metropolitan area of Great Buenos Aires, this is one of the most populated urban centers in the world, with more than 14 million people.

From the 48 districts of the city, some of them are a must see. Microcentro Downtown, is an ideal location for visitors, as it is close to the main historical spots of the Argentinean capital. The famous pedestrian Florida Street is located downtown and visitors can do window shopping and buy clothes and other usual city goods. San Telmo district preserves colonial-style houses along narrow cobblestone streets. Here you can actually breath the history of Buenos Aires. There is also a very exciting, underground nightlife scene.La Boca district is the most controversial neighborhood, because of it's explosive personality. Tourists favor this picturesque district for its rich history and vibrant colors: greens, yellows, reds and purples highlight the urban scenery.

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