Door to the islands
photo by name_695

2 Reviews

I liked

Been to Corfu Island. Corfu Town is well worth the trip (the old town made the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2007). Promenade the narrow streets beneath the local's laundry hung out to dry. Fortresses are a must, both the old Venetian citadel and the new fortress. Don't miss the Palace of Saints Michael and George (the Senate Room, the Rotunda, the Throne Room are heirlooms of the Ionian Senate era). And check out the Museum of Asiatic Art while you are there, truly impressive.

I disliked

Inebriated brit teens raking havon on the streets until the wee hours. All in good fun I guess!

I liked

I was staying a small cit near Athens - Voulliogmeni (don't remember the current name :D) The weather was fantastic, it was sunny, hot, really friendly people :) I loved the hot sea, really delicious ice-cream, yummy food, our super awesome hotel and adventures in Athens, Varkiza and others cities. This trip to Greece is still my favorite :)

I disliked

Bikers with their loud motorbikes riding in the middle of the night near our hotel. High prices.

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