Havana ...  speeding to change
photo by name_376

Havana - The Treasure of Cuba

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What is it that makes Havana such a fascinating place? Could it be the vintage American cars running down the streets? Or the rich history that the city abounds of? And who hasn't heard of the "El Comandante"? And all those stories about the pirates who invaded the Cuban land years ago. All of these combined, create a mixture that makes you wanna be there.

Famous names like Casablanca and Miramar are pretty strong arguments to make you wanna choose Havana as a holiday destination. It's not difficult to understand why the people here love their city. The waters of the Caribbean, over 500 years of history transformed Havana into a culturally unique society of Latin America. Havana has survived everything that has been thrown at it and still found time to innovate.

Walking down the streets of Havana will sweep you of your feet. Everywhere you look, a unique image is just waiting to be immortalized. The beauty of this place is not a conventional one. Just take a walk in the surrounding neighborhoods and you will pick up the scent of real Havana. You will immediately fall in love with this flawed, yet seductive city. Many writers tried to catch the essence of the place, but it's an enigma how one can define it in a sentence. Frico Fellow in the movie "The Lost City" said about Havana that "it has petals and it has thorns...so it depends on how you grab it. But it the end it always grabs you."

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Havana, Cuba

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