Playa de la Alberquilla
photo by name_173


Malaga is a port city in Andalusia, southern Spain, on the Costa del Sol coast of the Mediterranean, which combines tradition and modernity. As capital of Costa del Sol, it is a major touristic attraction, maybe one of the most important in Spain. All year-round, Malaga offers its visitors sun, white sandy beaches and blue waters, plus plenty of activities for everyone's taste and budget.

One of the main beaches is La Malagueta, with a length of 1,200 meters and a width if 45 meters. It is an artificial beach,in the middle of the city, made with sand brought from Sahara. If you wanna experience a real "fiesta", plan your vacation in the first two weeks of August, when the biggest fiesta in Andalucia takes place. And the closing ceremonies will be right on this beach.

Pedregalejo or El Palo, in the Eastern part of Malaga, are the beaches you should visit if you love seafood. This is were you can get the freshest fish on the Costa del Sol. El Palo is a traditional fishing village, so fresh fish is guaranteed.

Caleta Beach is an elegant beach, equipped with all you need, from umbrellas to hammocks. It is perfect for surfing and even fishing.

Contact & location

Malaga, Spain

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