Swimming pool in the sky
photo by name_25165

The resort features a hotel with 2,561 rooms, a 120,000 square meters exhibition centre, The Shoppes mall, an Art & Science museum, two Sands Theaters, seven "celebrity chef" restaurants, two floating pavilions, a casino with 500 tables and 1,600 slot machines. On top of everything, the 340 meters long SkyPark has an infinity swimming pool, measuring 150 meters.

The resort was opened on June 23rd 2010, with a two-day celebration, but not in its complete form. The ArtScience Museum ,the skating rink, the SkyPark, all were opened during the next year.

Only on the 17th of February 2011 the Marina Bay Sands was officially opened, but by this time it had already made an impact on the tourism industry in Singapore.

According to the Singapore Tourism Board, 11.6 million tourists visited Singapore in 2010, compared to the 2007 record of 10.3 million.

One of the main attractions of the resort is its infinity swimming pool, situated 55 storeys up. Even though the water seems to end in a sheer drop, and the pool is 650 feet up, it's not as risky as it looks like. This is the largest outdoor swimming pool in the world at that height.

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