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With a great location in Covent Garden, this luxury hotel is renowned for it’s impeccable services.

Since its opening in 1998, One Aldwych has gained international recognition and won many awards. The building is a 1907 Edwardian landmark, originally home to the Morning Post. The same architects who built The Ritz hotel designed this building.

The hotel has superb suites, some even with a private gym, meeting rooms, a 30-seat cinema, a private art collection and a spa that features an 18-metre swimming pool with underwater music. All rooms combine the latest technology, including Bang & Olufsen flat screens, mini-televisions in the bathroom with a laid-back atmosphere.

Not one restaurant, but two: The Axis and Indigo, serving British cuisine and the traditional English breakfast, and two bars: The Lobby Bar and The Cinnamon Bar.

Contact & location

One Aldwych, London, England


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