photo by name_2522

Lying in the heart of London, this luxury boutique hotel is both classic and original in design.

Before becoming an extravagant hotel, it was a multi-story car park, the new construction resembling the old redbrick structure. Only 200 meters away from Oxford Street, the hotel is surrounded by some of the best restaurants, bars, pubs and cafes in London.

Each of the 91 bedrooms was individually designed in a contemporary English style, in granite and oak, and are all very spacious. The floor to ceiling windows offer great views of the city. London’s skyline can be perfectly admired from the terraces of the fifth floor penthouses.

The public areas include two private cinemas, with leather armchairs and two separate drawing rooms with fireplaces. The hotel’s restaurant and fitness center ensure you don’t absolutely have to venture outside, and if on business, you can reserve one of the event rooms and have your appointments brought to you.

Indulge yourself and spend at least one night at The Soho.

Contact & location

4 Richmond Mews, London, England


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