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The Third Man Tour (On Foot)

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Highlights / General details

Even after 50 years after his death in the sewers of Vienna, Orson Welles' Harry Lime still haunts the city. The scars of the WW2 have long disappeared but surprisingly, most of the locations of Carol Reed's 1949 film noir classic have remained unchanged. On this exciting tour follow us through the cobbled lanes and hidden courtyards of Old Vienna that inspired not only author Graham Greene, see the places where Harry Lime lived, appeared, disappeared and eventually died, and learn the fascinating story of how one of the all-time greatest films was made and what Vienna was like in the days of Allied occupation, Cold War espionage and the black market. And of course there is that famous zither music.


City Tour.


Transportation to and from the departure location.

Hours of operation

Available: Monday and Friday; Departs at 4:00pm.


Approximately 2.5 hours.

Location Meeting point: In front of the U4 underground Station 'Stadtpark' / exit Johannesgasse.


Meeting point: In front of the U4 underground Station 'Stadtpark' / exit Johannesgasse.

Policies Please take in consideration that this tour is not a Sewer Tour.

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Total Price

Vienna Vienna , Vienna, Austria


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