One of the world’s most diverse places, offering many attractions to explore, from sunny beaches to impressive mountains and the Amazon rain forest.
Who told? South America's best kept secret is now out in the open and people are cramming to visit it.
The cosmopolitan capital of the Philippines is the premier Christian city of Asia and considered as one of the most cosmopolitan cities in the world with a population of over 1.5 million people.
A modern city, but with cultural attractions and years of history behind.
Often mistaken for Switzerland's capital, this city in the center of Europe is perfect for culture lovers and also for the ones looking for adventure.
Even though this is Switzerland's financial centre, Zurich it's a picturesque and vibrant city.
The capital of Greenland offers breathtaking views and unique experiences: humpback-whales, reindeer, bird watching and much more.
It is no secret that Heidelberg is a jewel among travel destinations in Germany.
Boating among the dozens of tiny, mostly uninhabited, islands is a great stop on any tour of the Caribbean islands.
More than 30 sandy white beaches are waiting for you in Anguilla.
Bermuda offers unique beaches of pink sand and clear turquoise waters.
Philippines' last ecological frontier: splendid beaches and a National Marine Park, part of UNESCO.
Mountain in the sea, Corsica is also called 'Island of beauty', not without reason.
Winter in Alaska is truly magical: from the amazing northern lights to cross country skiing and dog sleds.
Despite the name, Rudolf and his friend don’t hang out here.
If Rudolf has his own island, Dasher bought his own town.